How to Get Rid of Tarot Cards? The Easy Way

Are you tired of tarot cards constantly cluttering up your home? Are they becoming a source of frustration instead of inspiration? If so, you’re not alone! Getting rid of tarot cards can be quite a daunting task, but thankfully, there are several easy ways to do it. In this blog, we’ll detail the process of getting rid of tarot cards using different methods.

From using baking soda to getting rid of tarot cards using diluted vinegar, you’re guaranteed to find the solution that works best for you. So start tidying up today and say goodbye to those pesky tarot cards once and for all.

A Brief History of Tarot

Tarot cards originated in the Middle Ages as a form of divination. Today, they are still used for similar purposes, such as forecasting future events or determining your character and personality. However, many people find their use to be limited by their inherent symbolism and cryptic messages. It’s not uncommon to see tarot cards clutter up homes or offices around the world.

How to Get Rid of Tarot Cards Using Baking Soda

If you’re looking for an easy way to get rid of tarot cards without too much hassle, then baking soda is definitely a good option. All you need to do is sprinkle some baking soda over the cards and leave them for a few minutes. The baking soda will work to remove the oil and residue from the cards, destroying them in the process.

How to Get Rid of Tarot Cards Using Vinegar

If you’re looking for an easy way to get rid of tarot cards without too much hassle, then vinegar is definitely a good option. All you need to do is mix one tablespoon of diluted white vinegar with two cups of water, and spray it over the tarot cards. The vinegar will work to destroy the card’s surface coating.

The process of getting rid of tarot cards

Tarot cards can be a pain to get rid of – not to mention the mess that they make. Thankfully, there is an easy way to do it! The process of getting rid of tarot cards is pretty simple. Start by covering them with a sealant or adhesive. Next, use a power saw to remove the cards. Make sure to cut off the top and bottom so that they are flush with the card frame. Finally, gather all of the cards and dispose of them in the proper way.

Some effective ways to get rid of tarot cards

  1. Clear Quartz
  2. Smoking
  3. Trading tarot cards
  4. Burning your Tarot cards
  5. Give away your Tarot cards
  6. Sell Tarot decks
  7. Repurpose the cards
  8. Recycle your tarot cards

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Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is a great way to get rid of tarot cards. Simply place the cards inside of clear quartz and leave them for 24 hours. After that, you can remove the cards and dispose of them accordingly.


Another great way to get rid of tarot cards is by smoking them. Simply take the card frames and fill them with tobacco then light them on fire. The smoke will destroy any unwanted chemicals on the surface of the card frames, making them easier to remove later on.

Trading Tarot Cards

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of getting rid of your tarot cards yourself, you can always sell them to someone else. Simply place the cards in a plastic bag and list them with a price.

Burning your Tarot Cards

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of trading or selling your cards, you can simply burn them. Simply fill a large pot with water and put the card frames inside. Bring the water to a boil then turn off the heat and let it sit for about an hour. After that, remove the card frames and discard them accordingly.

Give away Your Tarot Cards

If you don’t want to keep your cards anymore, you can always give them away. Simply pack the cards up in a box and bring them to a tarot reader or mystic for guidance.

Sell Tarot Cards

If you’re interested in selling your cards, there are several options available to you. You can sell the decks online or at physical stores. You also have the option of selling single cards or entire packs of 10 cards.

Repurpose Your Tarot Cards

After getting rid of your unwanted tarot cards, why not use them in some other way? You could frame them and display them in your home or use them as decoration for your altar.

Using selenite to get rid of Tarot

Selenite is a great way to get rid of tarot cards without having to go through the hassle of getting rid of them yourself. Simply take a small amount of selenite and sprinkle it over the surface of your unwanted cards. Leave the cards in place for about an hour then remove them carefully. Selenite will destroy any unwanted chemicals on the card surfaces, making them easier to remove later on.

How to use baking soda to get rid of tarot cards

Tarot cards can be a hassle to get rid of. They can be a pain to clean and tarot readings can be quite costly. Luckily, there’s a simple solution – baking soda. Baking soda is non-toxic and cheap, making it the perfect solution for getting rid of tarot cards. All you need is a small bowl and some baking soda. Sprinkle the baking soda on top of the tarot card, making sure to spread it out evenly. Leave the card in place for 1-2 hours, then peel it off and discard it.

Other ways to get rid of tarot cards

Tarot cards can be a nuisance, to say the least. There are a variety of other ways to get rid of tarot cards besides using a Tarot reader. The most common methods are burning them, burying them, and throwing them away. Make sure you choose an effective method that won’t damage your furniture or walls – otherwise, you’ll be dealing with tarot cards for a long time to come. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure success, and have fun getting rid of your tarot cards in a quick and easy way.

Are Tarot Cards Witchcraft?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that tarot cards are associated with witchcraft and magic, while others dismiss the idea completely. Ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not you think tarot cards involve any form of dark magic. If you’re concerned about the Sorcery label being attached to your Tarot readings. There are a variety of other ways to get rid of your unwanted cards without involving sorcery or mysticism.

How to use diluted vinegar to get rid of tarot cards

Tarot cards are a popular tool for divination, but they can be a pain to get rid of. Tarot cards can be a hassle to clean and often end up stained with tarot readings or tarot card readings. Here’s a quick and easy way to get rid of tarot cards using diluted vinegar – just follow these steps! First, pour a little diluted vinegar onto the tarot card and place it in a container of water. Let the tarot cards soak for about an hour, then rinse them off. Finally, place them in fresh water to completely dry. Voila! Your tarot cards are clean and ready to be used again.

Why are you looking to dispose of your Tarot cards?

There are a few different reasons why someone might want to dispose of their Tarot cards. Sometimes people just don’t use them anymore and they want to get rid of them so that they won’t be left around. Other times, people have had readings with tarot cards and they no longer want the associated negative energy or images to linger around.

Finally, some people believe that tarot card reading is not an accurate form of divination. In other words, it’s not really related to reality at all. Whatever the reason. Disposing of your Tarot cards can be a good idea if you don’t want them around anymore.

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Some FAQ’s

How can I tell if tarot card readings are truly accurate?

There is a big difference between fortunetelling and tarot card readings. fortunetelling typically means predicting your future by consulting tarot cards or other forms of oracle cards. Tarot card readings, on the other hand, are much more than that.

Tarot cards are not just for telling you about your future but also for advising on matters related to love, career, health, and more. Most experienced tarot readers use their intuition and knowledge of the tarot deck to provide accurate readings for their clients. It’s best to consult an experienced reader before taking such a risky step as having a tarot card reading done.

What are the best ways to get rid of tarot cards?

If you’re looking for a way to rid yourself of tarot cards, then consider the following methods.

1. Boil them: One of the most popular ways to get rid of tarot cards is by boiling them. This will make the cards brittle and eventually make them easy to dispose of in an eco-friendly way.

2. Use a combination of water, white vinegar, and salt: Another way to rid tarot cards off is by using a combination of water, white vinegar, and salt.

This will make the cards brittle and easier to dispose of in an eco-friendly way.

3. Make sure you dispose of the cards properly in an eco-friendly way – do not flush them down the toilet or pour them into the rubbish bin.

Is it safe to store my tarot cards away after using them?

Yes, you can safely store your tarot cards away after using them. Make sure to keep them in a dry and dark place, and avoid storing them near water or other chemicals as this can damage the cards.

Can I use tarot cards for other purposes besides divination, such as meditation or prayer?

Yes, you can use tarot cards for other purposes aside from just divination. For example, you can place the cards face down on a surface to focus your thoughts or recite prayers. Additionally, many people use tarot cards for other purposes such as meditation and prayer.

Final Note

Tarot cards can be a nuisance if not properly disposed of. Luckily, there are a few easy methods that will help you get rid of tarot cards the right way. Start by using baking soda or diluted vinegar to clean the cards and remove any negative energy. If you still have tarot cards that you can’t get rid of. Try using a different method such as candle burning or incense burning. Have fun getting rid of tarot cards the right way and leave your feedback in the comments below.

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