How To Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirt? The Best Way

Inkjet printing is a great way to print large quantities of documents, but if you happen to sublimate your clothing with inkjet printing, you’ll find that the ink won’t come off very easily. In this blog post, we’ll share the best way to remove sublimation ink from clothing – by using enzyme washing. This simple process will break down the ink, allowing it to be washed away with water. How to remove sublimation ink from Shirt the best way are given here.

So whether you’re looking to clean a garment that’s been sublimated with inkjet printing or just want to know how to remove inkjet printing ink stains from clothing, read on for our helpful guide!

How is sublimation ink used?

It’s no secret that sublimation ink is a popular printing process among fashion designers. It’s often used to print logos, text, and images on shirts and other clothing items. However, many people don’t know how to remove sublimation ink from their clothes – or even realize it’s even there! When the ink is applied to the clothing.

It will heat up and print the image onto the fabric. Unfortunately, this process is not permanent and the ink will eventually wash away – leaving your shirt with the image you see on the shirt. There are many ways to try removing sublimation ink from clothing – some more effective than others. The best way to find out which method works for you is by trying them all.

What is sublimation ink?

If you’re looking to remove sublimation ink from your shirt – and who isn’t at some point? – then you’ll need to get to work. Sublimation ink is a type of printing that uses heat and pressure to change the properties of liquid ink into a solid. The ink is often used on t-shirts and other garments because it’s resistant to washing.

However, it’s not impossible to remove. Sublimation print is a great option for fashion designers because it creates a high-quality image that can be printed on many different types of clothing. However, if you don’t want the ink to stay on your shirt. Then you’ll need to find a way to remove it. Finally, remember that this type of printing is often used on t-shirts and other garments because it’s resistant to washing. So, if you’re looking to remove sublimation ink from a piece of clothing that’s not designed for the task. Be prepared for some rubbing and elbow grease.

How do I remove sublimation ink from my clothing?

There are many ways to try removing sublimation ink from your clothing – and all of them have their own benefits and disadvantages. The most common methods include using baking soda or enzyme washing. These techniques work by breaking down the chemicals in the ink.

The best way to do it is by using hot water and detergent. Make sure you wear gloves while cleaning in order to avoid staining your hands or clothes with dye residue.

How to remove sublimation ink from Shirt – the best way

Printing images on clothing is a great way to show your personality and style. However, over time, sublimation ink can start to peel off the shirt – making it difficult to remove. To remove sublimation ink from your shirt safely and effectively, try one of the following methods:

1. Hot water and detergent

This is the tried and true method for removing sublimation ink from clothing. Wet your shirt in hot water and add a bit of laundry detergent to dissolve the ink. Soap will also help remove any dye residue that may have been left on your clothes. Gently scrub the garment with a soft brush, being sure to rinse it thoroughly in cold water after each phase of cleaning. If you’re using this method, be prepared for some staining – especially if the ink is stubbornly stuck to your shirt.

2. Vinegar and baking soda

Mix 1 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar together in a bowl. Add enough baking soda to make the mixture sloshy, then pour it over your shirt. Let the garment soak for 30 minutes, then rinse it with cold water and wring out as much excess fluid as possible. Finally, dry the shirt on low heat before wearing or storing it. This method is safe to use on most colors and fabrics but may cause slight discoloration if used excessively or on heavily dyed garments. You need to use cold water but, it’s not good practice.

3. Heat treatment

If none of these methods work well for you, consider using heat treatment to remove the ink. To do this, place your shirt in a microwave on high power for 10 minutes. Be sure to move the shirt around every minute or two so that it doesn’t get burned. After 10 minutes, take your shirt out and immediately wash it with hot water and detergent. This method is effective but can be difficult to repeat multiple times – be prepared for significant repair work if necessary.

4. Iron until you completely dry your garment

Then place a piece of aluminum foil on it. But cover the area where the sublimation ink is located. And continue to iron for another 5 to 8 minutes over the aluminum foil of the shirt.

5. Wet some clean paper towels with distilled water

Soak the paper towels in distilled water. Then gently blot the ink off of your shirt. Be sure to work slowly and carefully so as not to cause further damage or staining to your garment.

6. Denatured Spirits

If the ink is still stubbornly stuck to your shirt, consider using denatured spirits. This method will strip away all of the paint and fabric from the sublimation ink, but it can be a bit more difficult and time-consuming to use than some of the other methods. Start by soaking your shirt in denatured spirits for 24 hours. Then gently scrub with a toothbrush until all of the ink has been removed. Be sure not to rub too hard or you may end up damaging your shirt further.

Finally, dry your garment on low heat before wearing or storing it.

7. Paper Towel

1. Wet a paper towel with distilled water

2. Gently blot the ink off of your shirt

3. Be sure to work slowly and carefully so as not to cause further damage or staining to your garment

Remove sublimation ink from a shirt another way

Here’s a concise guide on removing sublimation ink from a shirt:

  1. Rubbing Alcohol Method:
    • Apply rubbing alcohol to the sublimation ink stain.
    • Let it absorb for 25-30 minutes.
    • Blot with a paper towel to remove excess liquid.
    • Gently rub the ink stain with a cloth until it disappears.
    • Wash the shirt with cold water.
  2. Hairspray Technique:
    • Spray hairspray directly onto the stained area.
    • Blot the ink with a clean cloth.
    • Rinse the shirt with cold water.
  3. Bleaching Agent Approach:
    • Fill a sprayer bottle with bleach.
    • Spray the bleach on the painted area of the shirt.
    • Place the shirt in the sun for a few hours.
    • Wash the shirt afterward.
  4. Acetone Solution:
    • Apply acetone to the sublimation ink stain.
    • Blot with a paper towel.
    • Wash the shirt with cold water.
  5. Denatured Alcohol and Polymer Mix:
    • Mix denatured alcohol and a polymer solution.
    • Apply the mixture to the ink stain.
    • Blot and rub gently.
    • Wash the shirt afterward.
  6. Heat Press Method:
    • Use a heat press to remove the ink.
    • Place a clean cloth over the stained area.
    • Apply heat and pressure.
    • Wash the shirt afterward.
  7. Organic Alternatives:
    • Explore organic stain removers or natural options.
    • Always test any solution on a small, inconspicuous part of the fabric before applying it to the stain.

Use Bleach To Remove Sublimation Ink

You’ll get here on how to use Bleach to remove Sublimation ink in some steps.

1. Get some Bleach

To use Bleach, first, pour a small amount of it into a bowl or cup. Soak your shirt in the bleach for an hour or two. Gently scrub the ink away with a toothbrush until all of it is gone.

2. Rinse and Dry Your Shirt

After soaking and scrubbing, rinse your shirt off with cold water to remove any residue from the bleach. Hang it up to dry completely before using it again.

3. Prevent Sublimation Ink from Returning

One of the best ways to prevent sublimation ink from returning is to keep your shirt dry and clean. Avoid exposure to sunlight, heat, and moisture in general.

4. Store Your Shirt Properly

If your shirt does start to discolor or fade, take it to a dry cleaner and have them remove the ink.

Can I remove the sublimation paper from the coffee mug this way?

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to remove sublimation paper from a coffee mug this way. If the paper has been securely stuck to the mug, you may be able to peel it off with some gentle rubbing with a wet cloth. However, if there are any adhesives still adherent on the mug surface. Then you will likely have to resort to using one of the other methods listed above in order for your Mug To Be Clean Again.

Using Heat that Can Remove Sublimation Ink

If heat is the only way to remove the sublimation ink from your clothing, then you should start by preheating your oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it’s hot, place the shirt inside for about 10 minutes. Be sure not to overheat or damage your garment! After ten minutes, remove the shirt and let it cool before laundering as usual.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can acid be used to remove sublimation ink from clothing?

Yes, acid can be used to remove sublimation ink from clothing. Simply saturate a cloth with the solution and gently work the ink off of your clothing. Rinse your shirt with cold water and hang it to dry to prevent it from shrinking. Make sure to constantly stir the vinegar and water mixture to avoid any irritation or damage to your garment.

What should I do if my shirt is stained with sublimation ink?

If you have a shirt that’s stained with sublimation ink, the best thing to do is to remove it with soap and warm water. Make sure that the shirt you are trying to remove the ink from isn’t too delicate as it may get ruined in the process. The best way to remove sublimation ink from a shirt is by washing it with hot water and soap.

How can I prevent future stains from happening to my clothes?

There are a few ways you can prevent future stains from happening to your clothes. One of these is vinegar. Vinegar can work as a great cleaner when it comes to getting rid of sublimation ink from clothes. Additionally, you can also try using baking soda – mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 5 tablespoons of water and pour the solution on the stained area.

Finally, if all else fails, you may want to consider hiring a professional to do the job for you. When washing your clothes, always use a gentle detergent like Woo lite and soak them in the solution for at least 30 minutes. Doing so should help to clean the stain and prevent it from recurring in the future.

Is it possible to remove sublimation ink?

Yes, it is possible to remove sublimation ink from clothing. The best way to do this is by using a solution made of vinegar and water. Make sure to constantly stir the mixture so that you don’t end up damaging your garment.

Actually, you can try using baking soda as a cleaner – mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 5 tablespoons of water and pour the solution on the stained area. Finally, if all else fails, consider hiring a professional to remove the ink from your clothes for you.

What are some of the best ways to remove sublimation ink from a shirt?

To remove sublimation ink from clothing, you can use a few different methods. 1. Finally, using warm soapy water may work as well if your shirt has been treated with a solvent such as acetone or alcohol. 2. Boiling water will dissolve the transferred ink and then you can just pour cold water over it until the ink comes off. 3. Vinegar or lemon juice can also be effective in removing sublimation ink from clothing, depending on the type of ink that was used.


If you have a shirt that is covered in sublimation ink, you may be wondering how to remove it. Well, this blog is for you. In this post, we will outline the best way to remove sublimation ink from a shirt – using both hot and cold water. Make sure to read through the entire post to get the best results.

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